Real Estate
Learn how Voice Creator can dramatically reduce costs and increase efficiency within real estate
for every use case
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Property enquiries assistant
Property Enquires
Connect your Voice Assistant to any CRM integration supported by Voice Creator and allow data injection of property information as potential buyers ask about them.

With real-time data capture, a voice assistant also has the capability to send links to view more property information (images etc) when the potential buyer provides their phone number, enabling effective lead capture as well.
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Client Updates
Enable easy automation of any updates on existing and upcoming properties to clients.

Voice Creator also enables timely reminders for property viewings, meetings, and important deadlines ensuring clients stay on track and reduce the likelihood of missed appointments.
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Inspection Bookings
Easy management of potential buyers with Voice Creator able to schedule appointments for anything from upcoming property inspections to consultations with real estate agents.

Voice assistants during this time are also able to collect information on potential buyers, offering automated screening of potential buyers to deterime who is the right fit for a property faster.
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